Saturday, January 19, 2013

Silhouette in Scarlet by Elizabeth Peters

cover of Silhouette in Scarlet by Elizabeth Peters
Vicky Bliss is one of my favorite fictional heroines. Why? Because she’s not like the typical romantic suspense heroine. She’s not the little dainty girl who can’t take care of herself. She’s not in her early twenties, and although she attracts the men, she doesn’t always end up with the hero in the end. Of course, Vicky’s flaw is that she does tend to jump into things without thinking, which is a typical “had I but known” reaction of heroines. In Silhouette in Scarlet, Vicky is in prime form. She receives a letter and reference to Karlsholm. Of course, she knows that the message is from John Smythe, her romantic counterpart in the Street of the Five Moons. A year earlier, Vicky met up with Smythe in Paris, where she was left facing the police when Smythe skipped out of the hotel room. When Vicky goes to Sweden, Smythe tries to avoid her. It seems he is being chased by some criminals, and Vicky is totally in the dark about what is going on. She meets up with Leif, a tall (taller than tall Vicky), muscular, Swedish type. Vicky also gets contacted by Gus, who thinks he’s her long lost, much removed cousin. Smythe is behind making Gus think that Vicky a relation because Smythe is trying to get Gus to let him dig in Gus’ estate pasture to look for Roman gold. Of course, the other gang members get involved, and before you know it, Vicky, Gus, and Smythe are imprisoned and in danger.

I don’t remember reading this book in the past (although I must have because I’m sure I read the whole series), and I really enjoyed the story this time. Would Vicky figure out what was going on? Would Smythe receive his just desserts from the criminals? Would they all escape to live happily ever after? I admit that I was surprised at the reveal of the criminal at the end. i didn’t suspect it although I suppose I should have. The clues were all there. What I love the most about Peters’ Vicky Bliss stories is the humor that’s mixed in with the suspense. When you read Peters, you know that you are going to go on a amusement park ride. It will be fun and thrilling, and when you finish the book, you are going to be gasping with pleasure.

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